Meet the Vendor - Urban Flair

Meet Guillaume from Urban Flair! 🙌

At Urban Flair, I create, mix all the different types of cuisine and flavours, revisit traditional dishes and turn it into street food, combining together the most delicious and unexpected flavours. I leave the classics and take you to a different world where my cuisine will amaze you, awaken memories, make you smile and discover new flavours.

⭐️ Why did you start a food truck?
After successfully running a Brasserie in France, I opened 2 café/restaurant at Auckland. I suddenly decided to sell everything for a new and exciting journey. I really enjoyed this time of my life, but I needed to feel the excitement of a new adventure, to do something new using all the skills and experience my past experiences taught me. I always have been attracted by the foodtruck idea. It is amazing to cook everyday something different, meet so new people, always work in a different place and always try to be creative. To mix all this different type of kitchen/flavours and to combine the fine dining and street food was very appealing. It was the time to try it. But 1s, I got another idea…To be Private Chef. I started by that and after a year, I Launched Urban Flair! So much work but so much fun! I am grateful every day to be able to do what I am passionate about and live from that!

⭐️ What was your biggest challenge?
I have got a few big challenges… The 1st one was to reduce my enthusiasm! I wanted to propose so much different type of food! My 1st menu proposed maybe around 60 items… What a nightmare haha! But I wanted to try every who was I my imagination! Hard but necessary. The 2nd was to adapt myself to a new type of kitchen and environment after spending more than 20 years in commercial kitchen. And to a new type a customer in front of me.

⭐️ What advice would you give to your younger self?
I will not give any advice to the younger myself. I need to do the same . I really learnt from my mistakes. They were necessary in my evolution. Oh yeah one thing! To surf more!

⭐️ What are your plans for the future?
To give %100 of myself in this adventure and take the maximum of pleasure. I also have a project which is not in hospitality. I really want to do it. It is my other passion and I will when Before it is too late.

To see where you can find their delicious eats, follow their journey @urbanflair

For more information on all our food vendors head to ‘our collective’ page! ✨

Admin AFTC